What is the Color Lab?

The RISD Color Lab is a multiplatform space where visitors can explore the one aspect of art and design that draws us all together: COLOR. We have a materials collection that centers around color and an exhibition space for faculty and student exhibitions. Because the Color Lab is a non-departmental, interdisciplinary space, every member of the RISD community is welcome.

Where is the Color Lab?

The Color Lab exists in several places. Our exhibition space is at 30 North Main Street near the RISD store. Due to Covid-19, this space is only viewable from the street. Our collection of physical materials is hosted in the Visual+Materials Resources Center at the Fleet Libarary. Materials can be accessed and checked out through the library system here

What resources does the Color Lab offer?

For an up-to-date listing of our resources, please check here, but some highlights include:
  • Over 300 common and rare dry pigments (some for your use, some for display)
  • Over 50 books covering a wide breadth of topics related to color study
  • A collection of laboratory glassware and an induction hot plate that can be used to mix and experiment with a variety of artist’s materials

What kinds of events take place in the Color Lab?

Throughout the year, there is a wide variety of events that happen in the Color Lab, but a few common events include:
  • Free lectures and panel discussions about color-related issues
  • Openings for student-curated exhibitions
  • Grants and exhibitions for faculty
  • Color-based critiques for classes and groups


What can I do in the Color Lab?

  • You can use our library to conduct research about color.
  • You can use our Pantone swatch library to research and plan your printing projects.
  • You can schedule and host a color-focused critique of your work.
  • You can propose an exhibition in our gallery space.
  • You can test our current offering of free samples from various companies.
  • You can meet one-on-one with our staff to discuss and receive guidance on color-related issues in your art and design work. 
Color Served Daily
The RISD Color Lab is a multiplatform space where faculty and students can engage with the one aspect of art and design that draws us all together : COLOR

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Visit the Color Lab
Our exhibition space is viewable from the street at 30 North Main. Our physical materials collection may be requested through the Visual + Material Resource Center at Fleet Library.
